Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week Two

Week two wasn't quite as a shock to the system as week one. But we were quite busy.

We learned about outsmarting your light metering systems in your camera and white balance in Photo Studies. Then had our first Lighting class and started to learn about reading light. We also had our first Business and Marketing class (the only class that really makes me nervous). We had a history lesson in Visual Studies and learned about meta data tagging in Image Capture Edit Manage class. There were two Field Help sessions this week when we were able to sit down with an assistant and our camera and make sure that we were getting all the information right. And we had a lab session for our computer lessons. But I can't forget the 4 hour lecture we had on Lenses. The most important lesson about lenses is that there is no perfect lens. Now I have to figure out how I can get a couple more lenses to I have a good lens system for my camera.

And Week Three they are supposed to really ramp it up... I still am not sure what that means.

Today was a beautiful day in the 70's and I was able to go out and take some pictures. Here are some that I liked.


Anonymous said...

Glad to finally see some images! I have been looking forward to them. I especially like the 2nd and last ones.

It's fun to hear about what you're learning. I've picked up quite a bit about photography over the years, but I've always wanted to take some classes. There's so much knowledge to gain. Anyway, I hope your classes continue to go well, and I'll be looking forward to more photos!

- Ryan

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was hoping to see some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l pictures today and I wasn't disappointed - I really like the first pic. sigh. Wish i could have been there.... lc

hashbrowns said...

beautiful, dear friend... absolutely, stunningly beautiful. It looks like you could graduate tomorrow. And then move to Alaska THursday.
