Thursday, January 26, 2012

Meagan and Dave's Wedding | Palmer, Alaska

What a day for a wedding!  I love Alaska. I even love winter in Alaska. But I also love that winter goes away and gives us glorious summer in Alaska.  Back to winter...  I love the bright clean, sparkly, freeze-your-nose kind of cold days that we get in January.  That was just the kind of day Meagan and Dave got for their wedding.  I love these two!  What an honor to be a part of their day.

Meagan smiled the first "from the heart' smile of the day as soon as she saw Dave.

They always laugh together.
Guess who isn't from Alaska.

Doesn't this just melt your heart?  We needed a little extra heat that day!


My Other Best Friend said...

I love the idea of a winter wedding. Beautiful photos.

clippingimages said...

very innovative photography.....

HereBeDragons said...

How fun is this wedding? Great capture, Carrie!