The end finally came. We tried to drag out heals and make it slow down, but time wouldn't stop. A classmate's Facebook today asked a question that my fellow students wish we could do... can we stop and rewind the summer and start over?
The bittersweetness of endings... final projects, presentations, portfolio reviews, being with friends because we know that this moment will never happen again. It makes it special that way, but a little sad. Our graduation was fun, but goodbyes started immediately afterward. Last night every student that was still in town hung out until late. There were waves of goodbye hugs and best wishes all around.
When I stop and think about all that I have learned in the last 4 1/2 months, it is impressive. I am looking forward to using and sharing all of that knowledge. And learning more, of course.
One of my favorite things about this summer is the amazing people that I got to spend time with... incredibly talented and diverse group of people that became a photography family. It will be fun to keep up with them and see how they grow. And they live all over the world so I will always have a place to stay when I hit the road on another adventure.
Tomorrow I host one last get together for a few students that haven't left town yet. Monday I have some errands to do and pack. Then Tuesday morning I will pack up all my stuff and take my gypsie-self back to Boise. Misty tells me that her kids are anxiously awaiting my arrival... and I am pretty excited to be in my auntie role again. Then most of November I will be in Kansas. So if you are in the Kansas area, I would love to see you! You may just be hearing from me in the next week or so.
Thanks for following my journey this summer. It has been quite a ride. I wonder where the next turn in the road will take me...