Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thank You

At church today the service was a bit different for Thanksgiving. There was a lot of music but also a time of communion and thanksgiving. Normally I don't like the idea of passing the mic around with uncomfortable silences and unpracticed speeches. There is something a bit uncomfortable about it for me. I think it is just something personal that I need to get over.

This morning the mic was passed around for people to share something they were thankful for. When it was nearly time to be done a young man raised his hand for the mic. He said that he was thankful that he and his buddies had returned safely from tour in Iraq. Being part of a military family I could relate to his words and smiled to myself. Then the pastor asked him his name. Then the pastor said, "Thank you, Daniel, for your service." And the room exploded in applause as people rose to their feet for him. Tears welled up in my eyes and I was thankful for this group of people that made it so clear to this young man that he was loved and supported. This reminded me of something I heard recently about a woman who researched what military families needed. The number one thing that they wanted was not sympathy but just a simple 'Thank you for your service and sacrifice' from people.

Thank you to all the military people who sacrifice for and serve our country.

1 comment:

Friar Tuck said...

Testimony services are always a challenge. Sometimes a mentally ill person takes the mic for ten minutes, and sometimes you get moments like these.